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119th motorized infantry brigade (people\'s republic of china)
119e division d'infanterie (chine)  detail>>
196th motorized infantry brigade (people\'s republic of china)
196e division d'infanterie (chine)  detail>>
52nd mountain motorized infantry brigade (people\'s republic of china)
149e division d'infanterie (chine)  detail>>
115th mechanized infantry brigade (people\'s republic of china)
115e division d'infanterie (chine)  detail>>
118th mechanized infantry brigade (people\'s republic of china)
118e division d'infanterie (chine)  detail>>
royal netherlands motorized infantry brigade
brigade princesse irène  detail>>
112th mechanized infantry division (people\'s republic of china)
112e division d'infanterie (chine)  detail>>
113th mechanized infantry division (people\'s republic of china)
113e division d'infanterie (chine)  detail>>
116th mechanized infantry division (people\'s republic of china)
116e division d'infanterie (chine)  detail>>
motorized infantry
infanterie motorisée (soldats d'armée de terre se déplaçant en véhicules motorisés)  detail>>
124th amphibious mechanized infantry division (people\'s republic of china)
124e division d'infanterie (chine)  detail>>
motorized brigade (belgium)
brigade motorisée (belgique)  detail>>
2001 in the people\'s republic of china
2001 en chine  detail>>
2002 in the people\'s republic of china
2002 en chine  detail>>
2003 in the people\'s republic of china
2003 en chine  detail>>
2005 in the people\'s republic of china
2005 en chine  detail>>
2006 in the people\'s republic of china
2006 en chine  detail>>
2007 in the people\'s republic of china
2007 en chine  detail>>